
Elite High School student attends Prom in a chopper

Monday May 06 2024
helicopter 2
By Desire Ninsiima

Elite High School typically attracts attention from a wide range of people due to their extravagant Prom parties. The 2024 Prom party followed suit and garnered attention from government officials. On May 4th, a Saturday, students were eager to attend their Prom, which occurs before candidates start their final exams.

Most students arrived dressed in their best attire, while some even hired luxurious cars. One student arrived in a helicopter with his date. After getting out of the helicopter, they were escorted into a luxurious car that transported them to the Prom venue.

helicopter 1

According to an interview with our presenters, Pam Malaika, and MC Ollo, sources revealed that the helicopter was hired from Bar Aviation at $1200 (approximately Ugandan Shillings 4.5 million), while the car, a V8 2022 Model, was hired for 6 hours at 3 million Ugandan Shillings.

MC Ollo and Malaika

Minister John Muyingo, however, expressed dissatisfaction with the Prom trends, stating, "Are these things happening in Uganda? Where are we going? Money is a scarce resource; it shouldn't be given out and spent like that.

