
Former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi celebrates 50 years of marriage

Saturday April 06 2024
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Former Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi Jacqueline Mbabazi.

By Benjamin Jumbe

Former Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi expressed heartfelt appreciation to his wife, Jacqueline Mbabazi, for her unwavering support in keeping their family united for the past five decades. This tribute came during a momentous occasion as the couple renewed their marital vows on their 50th wedding anniversary at All Saints Cathedral in Kampala.

Describing their journey as one of faith, resilience, and love, the former Prime Minister highlighted the significance of their enduring commitment to each other. Following the church service, a celebratory reception was held at Serena Kampala Hotel, marking the joyous milestone in their lives.

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, emphasized the importance of forgiveness and tolerance in marital relationships. His remarks resonated as he presided over the Golden Jubilee marriage anniversary ceremony, underscoring the enduring values of love and commitment.

Amama Mbabazi expressed gratitude for the grace that has guided them through various challenges, emphasizing that their celebration symbolizes renewed hope, faith, and love. He urged couples to embrace forgiveness and strive to be exemplary in their lives.

Archbishop Paul Ssemogerere of Kampala Diocese commended the couple for setting a positive example for other married couples, recognizing their 50-year journey as a testament to love, resilience, and faith.


The celebratory service drew the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including former Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, Former Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki, former Security Minister Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa, and Prince Kasiim Nakibinge, the Titular head of the Muslim faith in Uganda, highlighting the significance of the occasion in Uganda's societal fabric.
