
Police intercept Ambulances ferrying passengers

Friday April 03 2020

The Joint Security team has impounded two ambulances in Wandegeya that were carrying passengers to Kanungu instead of patients.

The ambulances registration numbers UAB 355Z and UAH 832W have been intercepted by the Police after a tip-off from intelligence. The ambulances belong to Revival Fire Ministries based in the UK.

According to the police, one of the two ambulances had four passengers. Further searching of the two Land cruiser vehicles revealed items like rice, sugar, matooke and others. The passengers had paid heavily for this illegal service.

“On interrogation, the passengers alleged that they had paid the drivers UGX 100,000 each so that they could be transported to Kanungu,” a statement from the Police reads.

The driver of one ambulance has been arrested by the Police. The driver of the other took to his heels and left the Police in the dust.

Security forces have been directed to keenly monitor the movement of ambulances in their Areas of Responsibility.

Ambulances are some of the few emergency and essential vehicles left to roam the streets of Uganda after a Presidential directive banning the movement of people in Private and public vehicles for the sake of fighting COVID-19 that is eating up the world.



The Joint Security team has impounded two ambulances in Wandegeya that were carrying passengers to Kanungu instead of patients.

The ambulances registration numbers UAB 355Z and UAH 832W have been intercepted by the Police after a tip-off from intelligence. The ambulances belong to Revival Fire Ministries based in the UK.

According to the police, one of the two ambulances had four passengers. Further searching of the two Land cruiser vehicles revealed items like rice, sugar, matooke and others. The passengers had paid heavily for this illegal service.

“On interrogation, the passengers alleged that they had paid the drivers UGX 100,000 each so that they could be transported to Kanungu,” a statement from the Police reads.

The driver of one ambulance has been arrested by the Police. The driver of the other took to his heels and left the Police in the dust.

Security forces have been directed to keenly monitor the movement of ambulances in their Areas of Responsibility.

Ambulances are some of the few emergency and essential vehicles left to roam the streets of Uganda after a Presidential directive banning the movement of people in Private and public vehicles for the sake of fighting COVID-19 that is eating up the world.

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