The popular show "Spark Girlfriends" has made its return to the Spark TV airwaves with a fresh set of presenters. After taking a break last year, the show premiered its new season on Sunday, July 3rd, 2023, at 8:00 PM. The new presenters are Marion Samantha, Lucky Worth, and Najjingo Hanisha.
"Spark Girlfriends" is a talk show where the three hosts engage in discussions about relationships, lifestyle, financial matters, social life, and more. The show initially debuted in 2020 with three hosts: Winnie Francine, Cecil Mokodir, and Shalva Black, who hosted the first season.
With the latest season, the show returns with a dynamic trio of hosts, each bringing their unique personality. Najjingo Hanisha is known as the outspoken girlfriend, Marion Samantha adds a touch of craziness and drama, and Lucky Worth represents the cool girlfriend.
The popular show "Spark Girlfriends" has made its return to the airwaves with a fresh set of presenters. After taking a break last year, the show premiered its new season on Sunday with Marion Samantha, Lucky Worth, and Hanisha Najjingo.
The show will feature the dynamic three engaging in discussions about relationships, lifestyle, financial matters, social life and more.
The new hosts were carefully selected with differing personalities to ensure a wide range of ideas and submissions. Hanisha Najjingo is known as the outspoken girlfriend, Marion Samantha adds a touch of craziness and drama, and Lucky Worth represents the cool girlfriend.
In the latest episode of "Spark Girlfriends," the hosts discussed the topic "Who is your ideal Mr. Right?" Samantha and Hanisha expressed a preference for a partner who may not be visually appealing but is financially stable. On the other hand, Lucky shared that she would choose a partner with pleasing looks despite their financial instability.
The show initially debuted in 2020 with three hosts: Winnie Francine, Cecil, and Shalva, who hosted the first season. Make sure to catch up with "Spark Girlfriends" every Sunday on Spark TV, airing from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The popular show "Spark Girlfriends" has made its return to the Spark TV airwaves with a fresh set of presenters. After taking a break last year, the show premiered its new season on Sunday, July 3rd, 2023, at 8:00 PM. The new presenters are Marion Samantha, Lucky Worth, and Najjingo Hanisha.
"Spark Girlfriends" is a talk show where the three hosts engage in discussions about relationships, lifestyle, financial matters, social life, and more. The show initially debuted in 2020 with three hosts: Winnie Francine, Cecil Mokodir, and Shalva Black, who hosted the first season.
With the latest season, the show returns with a dynamic trio of hosts, each bringing their unique personality. Najjingo Hanisha is known as the outspoken girlfriend, Marion Samantha adds a touch of craziness and drama, and Lucky Worth represents the cool girlfriend.
The popular show "Spark Girlfriends" has made its return to the airwaves with a fresh set of presenters. After taking a break last year, the show premiered its new season on Sunday with Marion Samantha, Lucky Worth, and Hanisha Najjingo.
The show will feature the dynamic three engaging in discussions about relationships, lifestyle, financial matters, social life and more.
The new hosts were carefully selected with differing personalities to ensure a wide range of ideas and submissions. Hanisha Najjingo is known as the outspoken girlfriend, Marion Samantha adds a touch of craziness and drama, and Lucky Worth represents the cool girlfriend.
In the latest episode of "Spark Girlfriends," the hosts discussed the topic "Who is your ideal Mr. Right?" Samantha and Hanisha expressed a preference for a partner who may not be visually appealing but is financially stable. On the other hand, Lucky shared that she would choose a partner with pleasing looks despite their financial instability.
The show initially debuted in 2020 with three hosts: Winnie Francine, Cecil, and Shalva, who hosted the first season. Make sure to catch up with "Spark Girlfriends" every Sunday on Spark TV, airing from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.