Uganda's Parish Development Model faces implementation challenges
The parish development model, a program aimed at lifting Ugandans out of poverty, risks ending up like all the previous costly projects over the years unless the government puts in place a driving policy to ensure value for money. An NTV spot check in the Soroti district, for instance, shows old failure symptoms, where some beneficiaries say the money is too little to make any change in their lives, while others see it as a political gift. Some have received less or used the money to pay school fees. All these challenges, amidst worsening climate-related challenges, have affected many recipients, whose households largely depend on agriculture for a living. Last month, the government released the second tranche of PDM funds totaling up to UGX 267 billion to be disbursed among 5,322 vetted SACCOs country-wide, with each set to receive UGX 50 million. Malcolm Musiime reports.