Court dismisses ISER petition on Lubowa hospital loan
The Constitutional Court has dismissed a petition by the Initiative for Social Economic Rights (ISER) regarding the 1.4 trillion shillings loaned to Italian investor FINASI-Roko for the construction of an International specialized hospital in Lubowa. In a unanimous judgment written by former IGG Irene Mulyagonja, the five justices ruled that the government didn't need to conduct public consultations before committing itself to extend the said loan, as Parliament's contracts committee adequately represented the interests of the public. The Lubowa Hospital project, which has since stalled, was to be financed through promissory notes from the government of Uganda as a public-private partnership, where the construction firm would build and run a 264-bed International hospital and commence pay-back payments within eight years. What does the Initiative for Social Economic Rights (ISER) make of the judgment?